Adam 4


I met Adam in an paradoxically opposed situation when compared to this project that he ended up in - a contrast of bits and bytes vs. the physical medium. This paradox is also characteristic of the place that the photos were taken at - fond yet also melancholic memories of where he grew up.

Anam 4


With Anam, things just flow, we just met up on a day we could meet, and took photos around the neighbourhood.

Angelo 4


We bonded over our preference to be constantly on the move. Seemingly disparate personalities upon conception.

EJ 4


We met in 2015 on a rainy day in a capsule hostel in Tokyo on my first solo trip away from Singapore. Connected in our love for the city, and for visual storytelling. We kept in touch sporadically, and met again for the second time in a long while back in Singapore.

Hakim 1


We have known each other since 2008. We saw each other grow up, and grow old. I have been through his many interests, and this one stuck the longest. It is an endeavour I wished I was brave enough to embark on, but perhaps one day? For now, I will support him for his.

Odelia 6


A degree of separation. Also serendipitously met. Varied, raw individual, with a youthful splendor.

Oliwka 10


The friendship we have has always been tenuous. But the fragility of it also tends to be something that defines it, or rather, is characteristic of it.

Pei Si 2

Pei Si

An old friend of ten years, how we met or got to know each other did not begin positively. It was not something that was intended however through that “coerced” relation, we learnt about one another, and especially how we, for the most part, function cognitively on the same wavelength.

Phoebe 1

Phoebe & David

Met this couple on a photo walk. The husband, an excellent illustrator with the ballpoint pen, originally not an artist. He went from politics to being a teacher, and picked this up later in life. The wife, one of the friendliest purveyors of art I have met. We sat down at a beer garden, and talked about each other and got to talking about this very project. They were into it, and were kind enough (and very open I might add) to invite me to their home.

Peter 9


We talked about his project which consisted of photographers all over the world, and now he is on mine. During the short amount of time that we met, not to say the least that it is the quality of the time spent, and not the quantity of which.

Salma 1


One of the kindest, and most caring persons I have ever met. She was the big sister of the house, always trying to feed everyone else but at the same time, a kid at heart. Her openness and accepting nature became the crux that held everyone together. The glue that binds.

Theo 3


A thoughtful individual with whom I have had some of my deepest conversations with.